Boomy toolbar icon set license This is a legal agreement between You, the user, and Milosz Wlazlo. By downloading the Boomy icon set, You agree to the following: All icons in the Boomy toolbar package are for personal use only. You may also use the icons in open source and freeware projects as long as you give credits to the author of the icons and link to his website ( The image data may be changed by You in a limited way, only by combining the included icons and adjusting hue, saturation, brightness. All icons are provided "As is". The shall not be liable for any kind of harm caused by use of, or the inability to use, this icon set or any individual image. You agree that all ownership and copyrights of the icons remain the property of Milosz Wlazlo ( You may not resell or redistribute the icons in any kind of commercial project or internet icon archive. Contact: Web: