ikthusian arts icons My Thanks Thanks for taking the time to download what I hope you find a fun, friendly, non-caloric, and environmentally-friendly set of icons. Sprinkle your desktop with them and see what happens. No ... please ... don't thank me for the tons of new friends and admirers you'll acquire. Not My Idea While wandering the web to and fro for red hot icon sites, I chanced upon Icon Town. Needless to say, I parked it a paid that nice place a long visit. "What a lovely, pixellated locale!" I exclaimed. And before I knew it I was building myself a house in said town. And, of course, this entire experience has spilled over into those wee hours I waste creating the monster that is my icon library. Therefore, I welcome you to "ikthusiaville", a small town modelled after Icon Town. "And who," you ask, "is resposible for this wonderful spot you call Icon Town?" Bernd Be Holzhausen would be that founder of whom you inquire. Hurry up and finish reading this letter and visit Icon Town at http://icontown.net/. They'll leave the light on for you. My Catch Normally I ask for a little couch cushion money for my icon sets. But taking the lead of Bernd, I ask that if you decide to use thse icons for your desktop pleasure, please donate money or time at the nearest homeless shelter/mission. If you've got a Mac, you are certainly blessed. Please share with those not so. And, as always, send e-mail. My Pitch Graphic arts is what I do. And I want to do it for you. I'm accepting projects and would be tickled pink to be included in your next one. Contact me! My Advice Eat well, sleep well, exercise, read, make art, and use a Mac. My World Send any correspondence via U.S. Post to: Brian Brasher, 528 Triple Creek Drive, Morris, AL 35116. Thanks! God bless you.